Add On Base Color
Only added to blonde services if needed
Only added to blonde services if needed
Added on to your cut to give you some deeper hydration
This is added to a haircut to revitalize your color or enhance what your mama gave you.
Color all over your head, root to tip. New color? Let’s do it! Gratuities included
Color all over your head, root to tip then a haircut. New color and a haircut? Let’s do it! Gratuities included
Bang trim/neck trim/ pop-in for an edit
Wash and blow dry (or set for curls) Gratuities included
This is for potential big color changes and potential new clients I haven’t met yet! Come in! Talk with me! We’ll make a plan!
Have you had a curl cut before? Do you already have a pretty good idea of how to set your curls? Awesome, I’ll cut them and set them for you! Gratuities included
Pop in for and inch or less cut off. Come in with clean hair down (if applicable) as you wear it. Gratuities included
10 foils or a few pieces of highlights around your face Gratuities included
10 foils or a few pieces of highlights around your face and a haircut. Gratuities included
Curly cut with a set and conversation about how to manage curls in the Colorado weather as well as product recommendations and helpful hints that I’ve learned over the years! Gratuities included
A full head of highlights Gratuities included
Full head of highlights and a haircut Gratuities included
This is a temporary color or a clear coat on the hair to a shine and revitalize your color. Gratuities included
This is a temporary color or a clear coat on the hair to a shine and revitalize your color worth a haircut! Gratuities included
Kiddo cut doesn’t include a wash but does include tip!
Medium or long length haircut, chin length lower. Will include a wash and a style Gratuities included
You had an all over color and now it’s grown out. Let’s fix that! Gratuities included
You had an all over color and now it’s grown out. Let’s fix that and add a haircut! Gratuities included
Half of your head filled with color, this includes rehighlighting or bring a previous blonding service up to your root. Gratuities included
Half of your head filled with color, this includes rehighlighting or bring a previous blonding service up to your root and a haircut. Gratuities included
Are you going out and want Hollywood waves? Or a chignon? It’s a blow out but more! Gratuities included
This is for humans with short hair, chin length or higher. Will include a wash and style. Gratuities included